Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 329

Chapter 329


Chapter 329: She Couldn t Be Wrong


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Miao could clearly smell the tantalizing aroma of meat, her mouth watering in anticipation.

There was once she was so desperate to taste it, only to be accused of stealing by the old woman, who had beaten her for her supposed transgression. Lin Miao had never held a good impression of this old woman.

As for Lin Laoyao, he was slightly better. He hadnt bullied her, but he was a henpecked husband who never stood up for Lin Miao.

Lin Miao couldnt understand why these three people had come.

Lin Miao, Gu Shan, and Zhang Mei stepped out of the main gate, and Old Lady Lin hurriedly approached, cooing, Oh, my dear granddaughter, youre growing more beautiful by the day, truly stunning.

Gu Shan and Zhang Mei were somewhat confused, not knowing who this old woman was. Lin Miao, however, didnt push the old woman away as she would have liked, due to the presence of her biological parents.

Lin Miao even took the initiative to introduce the people, her voice somewhat distant as she asked, Grandmother, uncle, aunt, why are you here?

Lin Laoyao pulled the old woman aside and said, Mother, stop saying useless things. Let me explain to our niece Miao.

Lin Laoyao explained the situation to Lin Miao and the couple, Gu Shan. He was the most educated among the three brothers, even more so than his wife. He spoke with a certain gravity and was good at choosing his words.

He emphasized that his son was young and ignorant, and had gotten into a verbal dispute with the second brother, which had escalated into a physical fight.

Now, Lin Laoers family was letting Gu Zi make the decisions, refusing to settle the matter privately and insisting on sending Lin Jie to jail.

Gu Zi was, after all, a young woman. How could she handle these matters well? Young people make mistakes, but if he really went to jail, his life would be over.

Lin Miao was also about to get married. It wouldnt be good for people to say that she had a cousin in jail.

Gu Shan frowned upon hearing this, hailed a taxi on the roadside, and quickly urged Lin Miao to get the three people into the car. He was afraid that familiar passersby would overhear their conversation, even though the Gu family didnt have many acquaintances in the compound.

Seeing Gu Shans reaction, Lin Laoyao knew he had made the right choice in seeK1ng out Miao. -rne oU Idli111Y, ror cne saKe 01 narmony anu reputation, would certainly pressure Gu Zi. After all, Gu Zi couldnt disregard her adoptive parents wishes.

What Lin Laoyao didnt know was that the Gu family was just an ordinary family in the compound and couldnt afford to buy a car.

Every time they went to the village, they rented a car. They could only pressure Gu Zi, but couldnt offer any practical help.

It was only after Lin Miao returned to the Gu family that she realized they werent as well-off as she had initially thought. But it was still better than living in the countryside.

Lin Miao firmly believed that in her rebirth, not choosing to marry Su Shen and marrying Gong Zhan instead was the best choice. She couldnt be wrong!

After hearing Lin Laoyaos words, Lin Miao understood that they were planning to deal with Gu Zi.

Although Lin Miao really found Lin Laoyao, his wife, and the old woman annoying, the idea of dealing with Gu Zi excited her.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, after all. Those were all things of the past, and it was better to take advantage of the current opportunity to deal with Gu Zi.

Lin Miao told Lin Laoyao and the others, My parents are reasonable people and would never allow my sister to act recklessly. She is the younger generation and shouldnt be making such decisions. I guess my adoptive parents are listening to her because they feel that they owe her much. My adoptive parents are kind and wouldnt want to disrupt the harmony of the family. It would be embarrassing if word got out

Lin Laoyaos wife felt hopeful after hearing these words and quickly praised, Lin Miao, youre the best. I wish I could set up a shrine for you and pray for your safety every day!

Old Lady Lin and Lin Laoyao also praised Lin Miao for being understanding and kind. Hearing them say she was much better than Gu Zi, Lin Miaos face broke into a wide smile.

She thought to herself, so what if Gu Zi grew up in the city? She still couldnt win peoples hearts, could she?

Gu Shan and Zhang Mei were also pleased with Lin Miaos performance. They promised the old woman, Were aware of the situation now and wont let Gu Zi act recklessly. We were originally planning to take Lin Miao shopping for clothes today, but well go straight to the hospital to find Gu Zi instead.

Gu Shan and Zhang Mei felt that ever since Gu Zi had returned to the village, she had become increasingly lawless, probably influenced by the villagers bad habits.

This made Lin Miaos kindness even more apparent. Lin Miao had grown up in the village and, although she wasnt as outstanding as Gu Zi, she remained uncorrupted, which was commendable. She was truly a person with the blood of the Gu family running through her veins..

